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What is Swapandosh (स्वप्नदोष)/(nightfall)

Know about Swapandosh (स्वप्नदोष) / Nightfall Treatment
Nightfall are spontaneous emissions because you have no control over them. Sometimes this happens because of not having sex for a long time. It is usually seen more in young people who have not yet been involved in sexual relations. Nightmares in males are lifelong after the onset of adolescence.
The act of releasing semen from the penis while sleeping is called Swapandosh. In this, semen is released from the penis. This is usually due to dreaming of sex or unusual clips watching. However, after waking up many times those dreams are not remembered. During the dream, you do not even touch your penis due to which you feel excitement. And it is very different from masturbation. All this magic is done by your brain and because you are in a dream, it is a bit difficult to identify whether you are in a real state of sex or an imaginary one.

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